Searching for new managers is a daunting task, not knowing where to start is the first real problem, and once you do hook a few interested parties, there is little to guide you on who you are actually dealing with. Many days can be wasted interviewing by email and phone before you find out that the person you have been speaking to is totally unsuitable.
By Appointment Africa approached us through some job adverts we had placed and offered to essentially filter potential applicants to at least those who would be suitable and came with certified references. Of course we accepted.
A string of suitable applicants soon made contact through Vanessa, the only difficult task we were then left with was making a selection of who was the best.
We have now successfully recruited an excellent couple, and owe all the searching and vetting to Vanessa at BAA. Thank you Vanessa.
Patrick Simpkin
Chief Executive Officer
Ngwichi Camp, Malawi